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Small Private Groups

Small Private Groups

from £88.00

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Yoga for small groups, hosted privately with the particular group in mind. This is very much like having a 121 in that the session can be held at your groups convenience and the content of that session can be tailored to your groups requirements. Any level from total beginners to more advanced can be accommodated for.

Maybe you want a purely relaxing session, Maybe you want to learn particular yoga poses or breath work techniques? Maybe you play or take part in a particular sport and would like the session tailored to the needs that stem from practising that sport? Any and all requirements can be taken into consideration when planning the session.

The session can be hosted from my space which is in Tynemouth or can be organised in a space of your choosing (as long as that space is of adequate size and you have access to the necessary equipment.)

2 participants is £88

3 - 8 participants 1 hour is £111

3 - 8 Participants for 2 hours is £222 (2 hours is perfect for Private Retreat Nights)

Please contact me before booking to discuss further detail and confirm availability.

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